You know a brand stands for something good when people wear it on their chest.
Goods & Services takes both design and workwear seriously. It’s a rare day that you don't see one of us (or ten) sporting a branded high-quality clothing item out of the unofficial official SWAG catalog.
The newest addition has proven to be the most popular so far.
Goods & Services' latest sweatshirt meets our ultra-high standards because it was designed with a mid-century American worker in mind. That bygone era when long-wearing and well-constructed garments were taken for granted.
It evokes a Knute Rockne: All American vibe (if you've seen the movie, then you know we mean those scenes before Ronnie Reagan whispers, “Win just one for the Gipper”). It’s workwear worthy of Rosie the riveter, Smokey the Bear, your local motorcycle mechanic, or Rocky Balboa.
“Making better things is in our blood. When we couldn’t find the high quality cotton required for this exceptional sweatshirt, we didn’t give up. We searched the globe and found what we needed in a Japanese cotton mill.”

Whether cruising the Beltline in ATL or strolling the NYC High Line, this sweatshirt gets noticed. Folks ask about the brand. They can even spot the quality from a distance.
Interested? Wider availability is in the works. Watch this space for more info.